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  1. Designing an immunization module

    All of last year, I spent working on an EHR redesign project. Unfortunately, the project ended before I had an opportunity to tackle all of the things we wanted to do. One of the things that I wanted to get a stab at and wasn't able to was immunization support. Immunizations are relatively complex to handle in an EHR. Especially if you want to do a little more than just record the immunizations given. If you want to support the doctor's decision process, you have to put some effort into it.

  2. Information architecture is not about your database

    I've recently started a new project with a new customer. It is a rather large project to redesign an old process-control application. I started by working with them on defining a design intent for the project and then I gave them an initial framework to define an information architecture.

  3. Technical people are people too

    It is not because your product is targeted at technical users that it won't benefit from proper user experience design.

  4. Everyone is a designer

    There is a new buzzphrase that has emerged. Apparently, we are entering the age of experience. The future will tell if this, like many other things, will pass or stick. However, one thing is certain, people that build products and offer services are becoming more and more aware of the need to provide the user with an experience that matches their expectations.